Our goal is not for people to simply stop sinning in a certain way. Our goal is not for a person’s behavior to be modified. Our goal is for a person’s heart to be transformed. For the Holy Spirit to take hold of their heart and for his fruit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control) to be evident in them. This is something we are unable to do on our own, it can only be done through the Holy Spirit. But we are trusting the Holy Spirit to use us to accomplish his purpose.
We believe that Jesus is the hope of the world. That through his death, burial, and ultimately his resurrection he defeated sin and death, and gave us victory and the hope of eternal life. This is not only for some, but it is for all. For this reason it is only right that if Jesus is the hope of the world, we share that hope with as many people as possible.
We want to partner with families. Whether that be through our kids and student ministries, or by partnering with parents when it comes to leading their kids to Jesus, or by providing the necessary tools to help strengthen marriages. We believe that healthy families have the ability to allow us to experience what it looks like to love and be loved by Jesus.
It has been said, “If you aim for community, you will likely miss it, but if you aim for mission you will hit it and gain community along the way.” There is so much truth in this statement. We cannot manufacture authentic community, but what we can do is be missional. Never were Jesus followers meant to go through this life alone. We desire for everyone at Leclaire to be a part of a deeper community that meets and studies together, prays together, serves together, and ministers to each other. This is crucial to our lives as Jesus followers because one thing is for sure — there will come a day when you need a Jesus-minded community to have your back, and if it doesn’t already exist you will likely resist them when the time comes.
The word entrusted indicates that something is not our’s, but it belongs to the person who entrusted it to us — in this context, God. God has entrusted each of us with so much. Things like time, gifts and abilities, relationships, opportunities, resources, finances, and the list could go on. What we value is being faithful with those things God has entrusted to us. That we will use them for more than ourselves, but for the common good as well as for pointing people to Jesus.
We realize coming into a new church is one of the most intimidating things you may ever do. So we want to do everything we can to make it as pain free as possible. Whether you are a Jesus follower who is new to town and just looking for a new church, or you are someone who has said, “If I walk in there the roof will likely cave in,” we want you to know you are welcome here…and so far the roof has yet to cave in. We want to be a place you can come and plug in, ask questions and seek. Regardless of where you are, when we say we believe Jesus is the hope of the entire world — that means we believe he is hope for you, too. We hope to see you soon!